Port of Oakland’s FY24 budget includes funds for zero emissions projects

Oakland, Calif.– July 17, 2023: The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners just approved a 2024 fiscal year budget of $558 million. The approved budget outlined critical components for the Port of Oakland’s future: • An anticipated $16 million revenue increase in FY 2024; • Approval of a $163.7 million capital budget; and • Allocation of […]

Port of Oakland receives award for effective budget presentation

Port of Oakland

Oakland, Calif. – January 6, 2023: The Port of Oakland received an award for its budget presentation for the fiscal year (FY) beginning July 1, 2022 (This FY ends June 30, 2023). The award was bestowed by the Government Finance Officers Association (G.F.O.A.) of the U.S.A. and Canada. The Chicago-based association provides best practices and professional development […]

Port of Oakland adopts $465.3 million FY 2022 budget as California reopens

Oakland, CA, USA – June 25, 2021: As California reopens and global pandemic uncertainty continues, the Oakland Board of Port Commissioners approved a $465.3 million fiscal year (FY) 2021-22 budget. This is a 7.6% increase from FY 2021 ($432.5 million). “We are proud of all the Port of Oakland employees who have gone above and beyond to help keep us financially solvent and move forward during a once-in-a-hundred-year pandemic,” said Port Board President Andreas Cluver. Maritime activity at Oakland increased […]