Nondiscrimination Statement

Nondiscrimination Statement

The Port of Oakland is committed to a policy of non-discrimination in the conduct of its business, including meeting its responsibilities under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and other federal and state laws, and to the delivery of equitable and accessible services.

It is the policy of the Port to ensure full compliance with federal nondiscrimination laws in all programs and activities. The Port will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, ancestry, ethnic group identification, creed, sex (including actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity), disability, mental disability, physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, veteran’s status, or age in any Port programs, services, or activities.

It is unlawful for Port of Oakland programs, lessees, tenants, concessionaires. and contractors to discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, ancestry, ethnic group identification, national origin, creed, disability, mental disability, physical disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, age, or sex (including actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity) in their public services, activities and employment opportunities.

For more information, to request language assistance, or to file a complaint about discrimination or retaliation, contact Matt Davis, Chief Public Engagement Officer, using the contact form to the right.

Completed forms may be mailed or emailed to:

Matt Davis, Chief Public Engagement Officer
530 Water Street
Oakland, CA 94607

Matt Davis

Chief Public Engagement Officer

Not sure who to contact or have a general question? Use our contact form to route your request