Economic Benefits

The Port of Oakland generates 98,345 local jobs. As the second largest job generator in Oakland and the fifth largest job generator in the region, the Port remains a critical source of economic opportunity and jobs in Northern California. The Port and its aviation, maritime and real estate tenants contribute a total of $970 million in state and local taxes. The jobs generated by the Port have grown 14 percent since 2017.

Bullet facts:

  • $174 billion total economic value provided by Port activity
  • Oakland International Airport had a $13.5 billion increase in the total economic value. This was driven by local purchases to businesses in our communities through the visitor industry
  • The Oakland Seaport generated $795 million in wages and salaries
  • Port Commercial Real Estate holdings showed that occupancy rate grew by 25.6% from 2017, and tenants increased local purchases by $14.3 million over that period
  • 5,780 – Total jobs held by Oakland residents