Port of Oakland issues statement on racial justice

Port of Oakland

Oakland, Calif. – June 8, 2020:  The Port of Oakland today issued the following statement regarding racial justice and the killing May 25 of George Floyd in Minneapolis: The Port of Oakland, as a member of the Oakland East Bay community and a public enterprise of international commerce, supports the movement for social and racial […]

Port of Oakland meat exports soar, bet on ‘cool cargo’ paying off

Oakland, Calif. – June 4, 2020: Midst a devastating pandemic that’s crippling economies worldwide, here’s a Port of Oakland bright spot: meat exports to Asia.  The Port said today its meat exports jumped 26 percent in the first quarter of 2020 over Q1 2019. The Port said it now controls 42 percent of the market […]

Port of Oakland looks to lead East Bay rebound from COVID-19


Oakland, Calif. – May 22, 2020:  This region’s economic rebound from coronavirus would most likely start at the Port of Oakland.  That’s what the Port’s Executive Director told East Bay business and civic leaders this week while seeking their support. Danny Wan assured the East Bay Economic Development Alliance that his Port would be “poised […]

Port of Oakland COVID-19 response enters new phase

EDITOR’S NOTE: Click HERE for Executive Director’s video update. Oakland, Calif. – May 18, 2020:  It’s time to address the financial impact of coronavirus, Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan said today.  In a widely distributed video, the Port executive said his organization is readying countermeasures to offset crippling revenue declines.  His stated aim: […]

Port of Oakland loaded box volume edged up last month, but…

Oakland, Calif. – May 12, 2020:  Port of Oakland loaded container volume edged up last month but a likely downturn is ahead.  That was the message Port officials delivered today as the coronavirus pandemic pressured global trade. The Port reported that April loaded container volume increased 1.4 percent compared to the same month last year.  […]

Three cruise ships to lay up at the Port of Oakland

Oakland, Calif. – May 8, 2020:  Three passenger vessels will idle here with only crew and without passengers while the U.S. embargoes cruise operations, the Port of Oakland said today.  The Port said it has not received reports of any cases of coronavirus associated with the vessels.   According to the Port, two Norwegian Cruise […]

Port of Oakland gets new service to Asia, includes Saudi Arabia

Oakland, Calif. – May 5, 2020:  A sprawling vessel service begins this week with 18 megaships linking the Port of Oakland to Asia, including Saudi Arabia.  A highlight of the new service: the first-ever direct link between Oakland and the Middle East. The Port said today that Japan’s ONE line would operate the new weekly […]

Port of Oakland to state agency: help us cope with COVID-19

Port of Oakland

Oakland, Calif. – April 30, 2020:  Port of Oakland Executive Director Danny Wan praised his agency’s coronavirus response yesterday but issued a plea for help.  The Port’s top official asked a key state regulator to support financial stabilization efforts as the pandemic cripples businesses. “The Port of Oakland is operational in these unprecedented, challenging times […]

Port of Oakland says canceled sailings could hit cargo volume

Oakland, Calif. – April 27, 2020:  Fewer container ships would likely mean less cargo at the Port of Oakland this spring.  That was the message Oakland Maritime officials delivered to the Harbor Trucking Association last week. The Port told freight haulers via video conference that 20 May and June voyages to Oakland have been scrubbed.  […]

Port of Oakland says visit of its biggest ship ever going well

CLICK HERE FOR PHOTO GALLERY OF MSC ANNA Oakland, Calif. – April 17, 2020: Port of Oakland officials bid farewell tonight to the biggest ship ever to visit this city.  They add that the 32-hour call of the MSC Anna is proceeding on schedule. The 1,312-foot-long container vessel departs for Busan, South Korea, sometime after […]