Jack London Square free summer movies kick off tonight

Editors: See here for an overview video about events at Jack London Square. Oakland, Calif. – June 27, 2018: Waterfront Flicks at Jack London Square starts at sundown with the recent romantic comedy, Crazy Rich Asians, based on the best-selling novel. The free movies are every other Thursday evening and take place on the Ferry Lawn […]

Jack London Square events to draw thousands of visitors

Oakland, Calif. – June 18, 2019: Thousands of visitors will come to Jack London Square between Thursday and Sunday to take in Oakland’s culture at the waterfront. Four free events focus on music, dance, or food in a festival setting. Here’s a rundown of the activities: – Thursday night, MUSH music concert, 6:30 – 9 […]

Port of Oakland approves Seaport Air Quality 2020 and Beyond Plan

Oakland, Calif. – June 17, 2019: Port of Oakland Commissioners have approved an air quality plan intended to drastically cut diesel and greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the Port’s maritime operations. The plan, called the Seaport Air Quality 2020 and Beyond Plan, envisions a zero-emissions operation in the future. The Oakland Board of Port Commissioners voted […]

Jack London Square summer dance series expands to “Live on the Square”

Oakland, Calif. – June 5, 2019: Jack London Square’s popular Dancing Under the Stars summer series expands to Live on the Square, Friday nights, beginning June 7. This year, the inclusion of live DJ’s, food trucks, a virtual reality photo booth, beer garden and local vendors have expanded the 10-year dance event to festival status. Live […]

Cooking competition series kicks off at Jack London Square Sunday

Oakland, Calif. – May 23, 2019: Five chefs will compete in Knife Fight Gauntlet, an outdoor cooking competition at Jack London Square, the last Sunday of the month in May, June and July. The contest is free to watch and open to the public. The series is May 26, June 30, and July 28 from […]

Port of Oakland Board approves term sheet for ballpark plan

Oakland, Calif. – May 14, 2019: Port of Oakland Commissioners have approved a plan that gives the Oakland Athletics four years to advance their quest for a proposed baseball stadium at the Port’s Howard Terminal.  The seven-member Board of Port Commissioners voted unanimously yesterday to adopt an Exclusive Negotiation Term Sheet. The document imposes requirements […]

Jack London Square Art and Wine Festival to draw crowds Saturday

Oakland, Calif. – May 10, 2019: Jack London Square officials expect large crowds tomorrow for an Art and Wine Festival from noon to 5 p.m. The event celebrates local artists and showcases more than 20 Northern California wineries. Live music will be a part of the festivities including a performance by local soul and funk […]

Port of Oakland, Oakland Fire Department unveil new firefighting apparatuses

Oakland, CA. (May 9, 2019) – Today, Oakland International Airport (OAK), Oakland Fire Department (OFD), and regional emergency response partners conducted a Full-Scale Emergency Response Exercise at Oakland International Airport, introducing two new state-of-the-art firefighting apparatuses. Participants practiced live response to a simulated aircraft emergency, which required activation of the Airport’s Emergency Operations Center, along […]

Indie music concert series starts Thursday night at Jack London Square

Oakland, Calif. – May 8, 2019: Jack London Square is hosting the new, MUSH concert series beginning tomorrow night on the Marina Lawn (across from 55 Harrison St.) from 6:30 to 9 p.m. The event is free, open to the public and dog friendly. Community radio station BFF.fm is presenting the event as part of […]

Port of Oakland to consider outlines for proposed ballpark

Oakland, Calif. – May 3, 2019: Port of Oakland Commissioners have scheduled a vote May 13 on a proposal giving the Oakland Athletics four years to complete an environmental impact report (EIR), secure land use approvals and reach real estate agreements for a proposed ballpark at Howard Terminal.  The seven-member Board of Port Commissioners has called […]