Local, Small, & Diverse Business Programs

Local, Small, & Diverse Business Programs

Local and Small Business

The Port of Oakland has a certification process for local, small, and very small businesses that are located and operating in Alameda or Contra Costa County. The Non-Discrimination and Small Local Business Utilization Policy (NDSLBUP) ensures non-discrimination and maximal utilization of small and local businesses in Port public works, goods, and services contracts. The NDSLBUP provides preference points for local, small and very small businesses bidding on Port contracts; set aside contracts for small businesses; and facilitates technical assistance to ensure equitable access to Port contracting opportunities. Additionally, the Port sponsors certain technical assistance and outreach programs in furtherance of this overall goal.

Small and Very Small Business Enterprise (SBE/VSBE)

The Port of Oakland’s Non-Discrimination and Small Local Business Utilization Policy (NDSLBUP) is a geographic based certification that recognizes the impact of local businesses and fosters small business growth through locally funded contracting. Certified small and local businesses are eligible for rating bonuses for projects funded by the Port of Oakland based on their participation. The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) and Very Small Business Enterprise (VSBE) designations are granted to business entities that do not exceed an average gross revenue of $36,000,000 and $5,000,000, respectively, over the past three (3) consecutive years.

Port of Oakland Certification

The Port of Oakland with its partner agencies in the East Bay Interagency Alliance (EBIA) has established a collaborative Common Application for Certification designed to streamline the certification process for local, small, and very small businesses that are located and operating in Alameda or Contra Costa County.

How to Become Port Certified

Economically independent businesses that perform a commercially useful function and have had a fixed commercial or residential location within Alameda County or Contra Costa County for the preceding 12 months are eligible to apply for a new or renewed Port certification. Apply through the Social Responsibility Certification Application.

Additional Resources

The Port of Oakland is a signatory to the California Unified Certification Program under US Department of Transportation, 49 CFR 23 and 26. Currently, the Port does not certify Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) or Airport Concession Business Enterprises (ACDBEs). To locate a DBE or ACDBE, or to become certified as such, please go to the CUCP database.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program

The United States Department of Transportation (US DOT), administers airport improvement and maritime grant funds through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to airports and Maritime Administration (MARAD) to ports. As a recipient of federal grant funds for the Airport Improvement Program (AIP) and MARAD for port projects, the Port is responsible for all contractual matters, including the administration of grant assurance requirements. One of the grant assurances for FAA-AIP funds is that the Port develop and implement a US DOT approved Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program Plan and a 3-Year Goal and Methodology Report in compliance with 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 26 (49 CFR 26). Both documents specifically address how the Port will comply with the regulations and achieve a proposed level of DBE participation for the contracts receiving grant funding. Further, MARAD funds require efforts to increase contracting participation by small and minority businesses, women’s business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms.

The Port of Oakland is signatory to the California Unified Certification Program (UCP) under the US Department of Transportation, 49 CFR 23 and 26. As such the Port does not certify Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) or Airport Concession Business Enterprises (ACDBEs). The California UCP website provides a statewide DBE/ACDBE database.

Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program (ACDBE)

The Port of Oakland is committed to a Program for the participation of Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (“ACDBEs”) in airport concession related contracting opportunities in accordance with 49 Code of Federal Regulations Part 23. It is the policy of the Port to ensure non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in the award and administration of its concession related contracts. It is the intention of the Port to create a level playing field on which ACDBEs can compete fairly for contracting opportunities relating to the Port’s concession activities.

The Port of Oakland is signatory to the California Unified Certification Program (UCP) under the US Department of Transportation, 49 CFR 23 and 26. As such the Port does not certify Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) or Airport Concession Business Enterprises (ACDBEs). The California UCP website provides a statewide DBE/ACDBE database.


The Port of Oakland equips businesses with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully pursue and perform contracts with the Port through a variety of workshops and events. Click the button below to learn more about upcoming and past events.

Living Wage Policy & Documents

On March 5, 2002, the voters in the City of Oakland passed Measure I, adding to the City Charter Section 728 (“§728”) entitled “Living Wage and Labor Standards at Port-assisted Businesses.” §728 requires Port Aviation and Maritime businesses that meet specified minimum threshold requirements to pay all nonexempt employees a Living Wage rate established by City Ordinance and adjusted annually based on the Consumer Price Index for the San Francisco, Oakland and San Jose area.

The new Living Wage rate as of July 1, 2022 is at least $16.93 with credit given to the employer for the provision to covered employees of health benefits, and $19.44 without credit for the provision of health benefits. Specifically, §728 applies to Port contractors and financial assistance recipients with the Aviation or Maritime divisions that have contracts worth more than $50,000 and that employ more than 20 employees who spend more than 25% of their time on Port-related work. §728 also provides covered employers with incentives to provide health benefits to employees, establishes a worker retention policy, requires covered employers to submit quarterly payroll reports and requires covered employers to allow Port representatives access to payroll records in order to monitor compliance and labor organization representatives access to workforces during non-work time and on non-work sites.

The provisions of §728 are incorporated in Port Ordinance Number 3666 as amended by Ordinance 3719.

Living Wage Forms

If you are going to enter into or amend a contract or lease with the Port, please fill out the forms listed below and return them to the Social Responsibility Division at SRDadmin@portoakland.com.

For access to the complete list of SRD Port Programs and Policies please go HERE.