Oakland, CA (Oct. 5, 2017) – Jack London Square will be home to the second annual Bay Day this Saturday from 10 AM to 2 PM. Bay Day, established by the non-profit Save The Bay, is dedicated to connecting Bay Area communities with the unique environment of San Francisco Bay and helping them learn more about it. Bay Day will offer art adventures, discounts to featured restaurants during the event, live music, and kayaking in the Oakland estuary.
“This is a fun way for everyone to come out, enjoy the waterfront, and learn something about the San Francisco Bay ecosystem,” said Port Director of Environmental Programs and Planning Richard Sinkoff. “Port volunteers will be on hand to explain the numerous projects we’ve been doing to protect our Bay waters over many years like restoring local wetlands.”
Using material from the Port of Oakland’s 50-foot harbor deepening project, the Port worked with the US Army Corps of Engineers to develop a 188-acre shallow water habitat in the heart of the Oakland Seaport called the Middle Harbor Enhancement Area (MHEA). The Port has developed hundreds of acres of habitat and parklands, public access paths and trails along the San Francisco Bay shoreline. This includes Middle Harbor Shoreline Park, which surrounds the MHEA where Bay species and birds can flourish.
Save The Bay staff will be leading activities to engage the public about protecting, restoring and celebrating the Bay’s environment. The San Francisco Bay is more than 500-square miles of open space available for recreation like kayaking, boating and kitesurfing. California Canoe & Kayak will offer a rental discount for the day.
Live Music Schedule:
10 AM Old Hangtown
11 AM Jailhouse Stringband
12 PM Heirs To Our Oceans
1 PM The Axidents
Admission is free to Bay Day with discounted food and drinks available for purchase.
Transportation: SF Bay Ferry, public transit, biking, walking and driving. For directions to Jack London Square please go here.
About the Port of Oakland:
The Port of Oakland oversees the Oakland Seaport, Oakland International Airport, and 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 73,000 jobs in the region and nearly 827,000 jobs across the United States. Connect with the Port of Oakland and Oakland International Airport through Facebook, or with the Port on Twitter, YouTube, and at www.portofoakland.com.
Media Contacts: Marilyn Sandifur Port Spokesperson Port of Oakland (510) 627-1193 Click here to contact Marilyn Sandifur Mike Zampa |